Tom Hennessy & Colorado Boy Brewery
Tom Hennessy has owned and operated seven breweries, and has helped start over 100 breweries by way of his Brewery Immersion Course (brew pub school, one student or brewery partners at a time, spending a week brewing, doing the books and running the business). He was well known in the 90’s when he produced his Frankenbrew videos, which were centered around starting a brewpub without spending a lot of money. Tom was inspirational in the beginnings of Forgeworks, as Bennett Forgeworks is the local stainless steel fabrication shop just down the street from the Colorado Boy Brewery in Ridgway, Colorado. Hennessy coached Tom Bennett, owner of Bennett Forgeworks on what a Brewpub is looking for in terms of brewhosue and cellaring equipment. Hennessy’s brewery start up philosophies are deeply rooted in why Forgeworks presents it's equipment line up the way we do, with a core focus on Brewpubs, building brewhouses ranging from 3.5bbl to 10bbl. Hennessy has frequently been a seminar speaker at the Craft Brewer’s Conference, and guest speaker at the Great American Beer Festival. Tom has also written (3) books on the Brew Pub business model.
-Brewery Operations Manual
-Standard Operating Procedures
-The Affordable Brewery
Read the article in Company Week about Tom Hennessy, brewery entrepreneur and educator.
Tom Hennessy is a speaker, author, and brewery consultant